Monday, August 14, 2006

Beeps and flashes

Days run swiftly filling up the week. As time passes my perspective of people and places around me changes. Speech I once couldn't understand at all - now makes some sense to me. Customs which used to seem foreign and quaint are fast becoming a part of my second nature. All this proves to me that a person can acquire more cultural habits than those of his native country.

For example ...

Round-abouts are fun.
Have you ever watched a cat walk? Well, that's what I feel like when I drive around them.

Wanta' turn right? No problem - just turn on your right blinker, look right, and then jump out onto the round-about and start going to the left. Cars will be whizzing all around, but don't worry, if you do something wrong you'll get a honk and a glare. No biggy.

These folks are actually very good drivers and are good at avoiding collisions. Don't ask me how I know this.

I am improving ...

no really ... I am.

And then there's the honking. All honking is not the same.

There's the -
get outa' the way honk which is a sharp angry honk.

Then there's the -
friendly honk which is usually sounded in two short happy-to-see-you beeps.

Flashing at the on-coming traffic here does not mean the usual -

It actually means -
hey buddy, you can turn in front of me and I won't run over you.

Quite nice, actually.
::said in her best Scottish accent::

Other news:
  • Josh flies back to Texas tomorrow. He will be muchly missed - but that's where he's supposed to be.
  • The latest word on our ship load of stuff is that it will be delivered later this week or early next week. Yay!
  • We will be moving to another part of town on Friday to a more permenant residence. (This house was always a temporary place for us since it continues to be for sale on the market.
  • This week we are pleased to have over our friend, Jenny from Indiana, to spend many happy nights to help her celebrate her last week here in Airdrie.
Please pray for both Jenny and Josh as they journey home this week. Wow what a wonderful alliteration!


Anonymous said...

Roundabouts are fun! But I never got to drive in Scotland, so I did not get the whole experience. If they built roundabouts in the US, there would be so many more accidents, but in Scotland, people know how to maneuvre them safely. I can just see Americans getting totally confused on a two lane roundabout.

Where is this new house you will be moving to?

C. Bright said...


It's Ginny - short for Virginia!

::there is your spelling phantom for today::

Yes, the beeps are nice, quite nice. But not as good as a niiice cup of tea with a digestive - ah, how did we ever get along without something that sounded so abnormormal two months ago?!

Amy said...

Wonderful post...Thanks for letting us all know how you're doing. Blessings on you!

Charity said...

No. Way. They have round-abouts everywhere there, too?? We've enjoyed getting used to those here... sort of. Yay for your shipping crate getting there! I'm sure home will feel more complete with your own stuff. I know ours did. :-)

Suzanne said...

OOps, sorry Ginny.