Wednesday, November 09, 2005

You go girl!

A couple of nights ago the kids played a mini concert for their father. One selection was the folky, sad tune from "Gods and Generals." Amy cooed out the melody on the penny whistle, then Ben came in with the rhythm guitar, then Candace carried on the melody with her violin (fiddle) and Amy played some wonderful harmonic interplay on the mandolin. The song went full circle ending with the singular penny whistle. Fitting rendition - when you think of soldiers out in all weather playing a few simple songs. It was very moving.

Other items in the news.

1) Root canal's all done, and I'm fine. Still a little sore, but not too sore for a night out with the ladies at a local eating establishment. (Tonight's Ladies Night Out ... with our church, silly.)

2) I raked leaves two days ago and now you'd never be able to tell.

And 3) Here's one of my more famous neices, Nadine. She's my sister (and brother-in-law's) kid who also has the distinction of being a Rice University cheerleader in Texas. Here are some action pics.


C. Bright said...

Oodalollie! This lady's going places (like up in the air, how scary!)! Glad you liked the wailing of music, hey at least the audience wasn't wailing too! Yeah, I feel even worse than you because I haven't moved a single leaf this fall. At least you shake your fist at all of the wetness (whatever that just meant at 11:30 pm!). Goofhead signing out.

Suzanne said...

Yeah, wish we had one of those blower thingys like everyone else in our neighborhood. Wonder if a hair dryer would work?

Anonymous said...

so glad your root canel is over.
Wish I could have heard the concert.
Can't wait til Christmas.

Luddie said...

Huzzah for Nadine!

Not that I would EVER actually WANT people to sign up for, but Nadine's profile on there has this photo album with some other cool cheerleading pictures.