Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Need some good New Year's resolutions?

Last Sunday our Pastor preached a sermon which included "five ways to order your life." As I took notes, the Lord instantly applied them deep in my heart. On Sunday afternoon as I looked over my notes again, I re-wrote these five points in the front of my bible as five resolutions.

Here's what I wrote.

Five ways to order your life:
1) Be in His word and prayer daily. The soul that isn't fed daily is a dying soul.
2) Arise in the morning and go to bed in the evening.
3) Realize that a week consists of 7 days and rest on the 7th day.
4) Put away the deeds of the darkness and put on the light of Jesus Christ.
5) Wherever you are, remain there, and do what you are doing faithfully.

These little sentences in my bible are not the most clear or best stuctured sentences I've ever read in my life, but the thoughts they convey are striking to me. I've made them my own and have thought about them many times since Sunday. I'm glad I have them written down there so I can go back and bring to mind my five resolutions for this year.

These points aren't a "to-do" list or 5 steps to happiness. They are simply means that call my attention to Christ. He's my Help and Sustainer and the Lifter of my head.

Happy New Year. May the Lord grant His grace to you through His Son, Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

C. Bright said...

Amen! Thanks for giving us the list, good things to think about even when one is "abroad".